nine out of ten high school students have received an offer of admission to a higher education program

The main admission phase has given way to the complementary phase, which runs until September 12. It allows candidates to formulate up to ten new wishes in the courses that still have places available.



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The main admission phase "was more effective in providing more choices and more quickly to candidates" than the previous year, the ministry said in a statement. (JEAN-MARC BARRERE / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The suspense is over for the majority of high school graduates. Around nine out of ten high school students had received an offer of admission to a higher education course, Friday, July 12, the Ministry of Higher Education assured on Saturday. As for students changing direction, eight out of ten of them have also received a response to their wishes. This corresponds to 580,291 high school graduates and 134,595 students.

The main admission phase, which ended on Friday after the integration of the baccalaureate results, “was more effective in providing more choices and more quickly to candidates” than the previous year, the ministry said in a statement. On the first day, “2.4 million admission offers were sent to candidates, i.e. + 17% compared to 2023”while on the sixth day, “the platform had sent 9% more admission proposals than in 2023 on the same date”he continues.

The main admission phase has given way to the complementary phase, which runs until September 12. It allows candidates to formulate up to ten new wishes in the courses that still have places available. The ministry explains that the number of vacant places is increasing this year (114,000 places) compared to 2023 (100,000).

Since the beginning of July, candidates who have not yet received an admission offer can also contact the higher education access committee of their academy to receive personalized support.

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