Deadlock in negotiations | FIQ plans to resort to heavier pressure tactics in September

(Montreal) The FIQ notes the “impasse” in its negotiations with Quebec. It plans to resort again to heavier pressure tactics, including a strike, as early as September.

The Interprofessional Health Federation (FIQ), which represents 80,000 nurses, nursing assistants and other healthcare professionals, held an extraordinary federal council this week to take stock of its negotiations.

Discussions resumed with the Quebec government after FIQ members rejected by 61% the agreement in principle reached regarding the renewal of the collective agreement.

However, “we have reached an impasse; we have reached the end of the discussions,” said Jérôme Rousseau, vice-president of the FIQ and co-responsible for the negotiation, in an interview on Friday.

The FIQ already has a strike mandate. Its members walked out for a few days in November and December 2023.

The same strike mandate could therefore be reactivated as soon as the school year starts in September, warned Mr. Rousseau.

“Yes, the strike mandate is still there. We will not hesitate to use it. Obviously, we want to progress, but progress quite quickly. Our members are ready; that’s what we hear on the ground,” he concludes.

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