A mysterious and worrying oil slick is polluting the banks of the Saint-Laurent in Pointe-aux-Trembles

A mysterious and worrying oil slick has polluted the banks of the St. Lawrence River in the Pointe-aux-Trembles area. However, authorities were still searching for the source of the pollution Friday morning.

According to the Quebec Ministry of the Environment, Urgence-Environnement intervened on site and noted the presence in the water of “a black substance on the banks as well as iridescence.” This therefore has the appearance of an oil slick.

However, “no land source has been found” and research continued Friday morning in order to find “the source of the pollution”. The ministry also indicates that a sample of the substance has been taken and the results of the analysis should be known this Friday.

“Urgence-Environnement ensures that the measures necessary for the safety of the population and the protection of the environment are put in place,” we added by email.

The ministry did not specify whether there was a link between this slick and the one reported in recent days in the Port of Montreal sector, located upstream. Also upstream of the Pointe-aux-Trembles sector are companies linked to oil processing and refining.

More details to come.

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