Emmanuel Macron “scheming to retain power”, says Fabien Roussel



Video length: 4 min

2024 Legislative Elections: Emmanuel Macron “scheming to retain power”, believes Fabien Roussel

The New Popular Front has alerted Emmanuel Macron against the prolonged stay of Gabriel Attal at Matignon. Reaction of Fabien Roussel, Thursday July 11, on the set of the 8 p.m. news.

After the legislative elections, which gave the New Popular Front the victory, negotiations continue. The four political parties within the left-wing coalition have opposed the prolonged stay of Gabriel Attal at Matignon.

I believe that first we must measure the anger expressed by our fellow citizens during the last elections, including the European elections. It is enormous. The demands to regain purchasing power on salaries, on pensions, on bills, the demands for change. They are expressed, they are strong, and the President of the Republic must let us govern. The ballot boxes have given us the lead in these elections.”comments Fabien Roussel, on the set of the 8 p.m. news

What I see today and what worries me is that not only does the President of the Republic not admit his failure, but also at this moment, he is scheming to keep power and to build another majority with the right. Today, the government has just announced 5 billion euros of additional savings on public spending. This means less money for our schools, our hospitals, our municipalities.”deplores the leader of the PCF.

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