Emmanuel Macron’s letter poorly received by the political class



Video length: 1 min

2024 Legislative Elections: Emmanuel Macron’s letter poorly received by the political class
2024 Legislative Elections: Emmanuel Macron’s letter poorly received by the political class
(France 2)

The President of the Republic stated in a letter on Wednesday 10 July that no political force “won” in the legislative elections, and that no majority emerged from the vote. A position which has provoked strong reactions.

After several days of silence, Emmanuel Macron chose the format of a letter to the French to express his views on the results of the legislative elections. “No one has won, no political force alone obtains a sufficient majority”said the president during a trip to Washington (United States) on Wednesday, July 10. Emmanuel Macron also said that as long as the major parties did not come together around the great principles and republican values, he would maintain the current government.

Unsurprisingly, the presidential initiative was very poorly received outside his camp. Firstly by the left, and particularly by Jean-Luc Mélenchon who denounced on X a “return of the royal right of veto on universal suffrage”. Same severity in the eyes of the National Rally. For their part, the Republicans renamed Wednesday “The Republican Right” said they were open to “a legislative pact”but for the time being refuse to participate in government coalitions.

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