To celebrate its 90th anniversary, the La Baleine brand has hidden gold powder in ten salt shakers

In the Middle Ages, whoever owned salt was the undisputed master of trade. It was called “white gold”. As a nod, the nonagenarian brand has chosen to “add some sparkle” to the lives of its consumers… It launched a game for its birthday with 1,000 euros up for grabs.

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franceinfo – with France Bleu Gard Lozère

Radio France


Reading time: 1 min

In Aigues-Mortes in the heart of the Camargue, salt workers collect fleur de sel by hand (illustrative photo). (GUILLAUME BONNEFONT / MAXPPP)

To celebrate its 90th anniversary, the La Baleine brand, which sells salt produced at Salins du Midi in Aigues-Mortes (Gard), has decided to hide gold in ten salt shakers that will go on sale by the end of the year, France Bleu Gard Lozère reported on Thursday, July 10. No need to worry if you accidentally swallow it: it is edible gold powder.

The iconic salt brand was inspired by the golden tickets distilled into gold chocolate bars in Charlie and the chocolate factory and therefore launches a game “In search of the golden salt shakers” to celebrate his birthday. “Salt was once called white gold for its precious character. To honor it, La Baleine has decided to make its salt golden, enough to add some sparkle to your lives”the brand announced on its social networks in the spring.

In concrete terms, until December 31, 2024, gold powder can be discovered in only ten salt shakers of fine salt of 500, 550 or 600 g. Each winner will also win the sum of 1,000 euros. On its website, La Baleine specifies that the winners will have until December 31, 2025 to contact the brand and claim their prize.

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