Kate Middleton celebrates her 40th birthday: this missed gift from William, which she reminds him of years later

The Duchess of Cambridge is turning a corner this weekend! Kate Middleton is celebrating her 40th birthday on January 9, 2022. If Kensington Palace has not made any announcement on the possible planned festivities, we imagine that the wife of Prince William will prefer to blow out her candles in the privacy, in family, probably in his beloved country house in Anmer Hall (in Norfolk). Her royal husband should still mark this special anniversary with a nice present. As long as it stays away from the Nature & Découvertes stores …

In 10 years of marriage, and 18 years together, Prince William has had time to get to know the tastes of his half. But he still has a few hiccups to his credit, as he himself recounted in July 2020, when he was the guest of ex-footballer Peter Crouch’s podcast (broadcast on BBC Radio Five Live ). “I bought a pair of binoculars to my wife once – she never let me forget her“, then confided the father of George, Charlotte and Louis (8, 6 and 3 years).”It was at the beginning of the seduction phase which was (…). It didn’t go well. Honestly, I don’t know why I bought him a pair of binoculars, it seemed like a good idea at the time. “

Fortunately, the future king of England made up for it, in particular by completing the jewelry box of his wife. Last summer, on the occasion of their 10 years of marriage, the Cambridges posed for two new portraits full of tenderness at Kensington Palace. Photos in which Kate Middleton appeared with a new precious necklace from the English brand Asprey London, one of her favorites. Perhaps a gift chosen with care by his other half … Before that, Prince William had already given him for their three years of marriage a Cartier watch, the Ballon Bleu model, which goes perfectly with the engagement ring of Kate Middleton inherited from Diana.

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