the right actions to take against dengue fever


Video length: 1 min

Tiger mosquitoes: the right actions to take against dengue fever
Tiger mosquitoes: the right actions to take against dengue fever
(France 2)

Fever, headaches, body aches, these are symptoms that resemble the flu, but it is actually dengue fever, a disease transmitted by tiger mosquitoes. How can you avoid contagion? What are the right actions to take?

Black and white stripes, a disturbing noise, the tiger mosquito is one of the 100 most invasive insect species in the world. If it is contaminated, it can carry a disease: dengue fever. It causes aches, fever and headaches. At the hospital in Montpellier (Hérault), everything is in place to avoid it. “In our departments, the rooms are equipped with mosquito nets, in order to achieve vector isolation, that is to say, we hospitalize patients who have dengue fever. The mosquitoes that are outside cannot come, which protects the other patients in the department.”explains a nurse.

To reduce the risk, the Regional Health Agency has carried out preventive work. “Preventive measures, for example, to avoid the proliferation of the tiger mosquito in gardens, were not all usual”says a representative. In summer, mosquitoes are often found near forests and on restaurant terraces. The owner of a Strasbourg restaurant (Bas-Rhin) has invested in mosquito traps.

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