Medical world relieved after second round results

The results of the legislative elections brought much relief and expectation among health professionals, who had exceptionally mobilized against the extreme right.



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A caregiver in a Parisian hospital. Illustrative photo. (JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP)

A part of the health world mobilized to block the National Rally before the second round of early legislative elections, Sunday July 7. The day after the vote, there is a lot of relief and expectations among these doctors and association leaders, after the unexpected result of these elections which places the New Popular Front in first position.

Nearly 3,600 doctors, hospital department heads, interns and user representatives have signed a platform published by Mediapartcalling for a blockade of the extreme right and a vote for the New Popular Front. Professor Jean-Daniel Lelièvre, an immunologist at Henri Mondor Hospital in Créteil, is one of the signatories of the platform. “This is good news but there is still a lot to do.he tempers. It was not only about blocking ideas that I do not share, but above all about promoting a new vision of things. And we can see that here we are going to be in difficulty since no one has a majority. So this is going to be the subject of discussions, but I think it is interesting, it is important that things change in our country.”

The president of Médecins du Monde is also reassured by the election results, but Jean-François Corty expects a lot from the future government. “We are relieved that the extreme right is not in powerhe confides. But at the same time, being a non-partisan organization, we are still vigilant about the need to defend a policy focused on strong social dimensions, with more resources, particularly in hospitals and in areas where public services are insufficient. We also reaffirm the need to defend the values ​​of international humanitarian rights.”

Another reaction: that of Rémi Salomon, the president of the Conference of Medical Commissions of Establishments which represents the doctors of the University Hospitals. “Relief, the Republican barrier has held! We must now respond to the expectations of the French, otherwise this barrier might not hold next time. More than a warning,” he wrote on Monday on the social network X.

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