Towards a strike in Paris airports on July 17, ten days before the opening of the Olympic Games?

Several unions at the airport operator serving Paris, Groupe ADP, called on Monday for a strike on July 17, around ten days before the opening of the Olympic Games, demanding a bonus “for all staff” for this busy period.

The CGT, CFDT, FO and UNSA unions are denouncing a “deterioration in working conditions”, demanding in particular “compensation for all staff”, a “massive” hiring plan for 1,000 positions and the guarantee of being able to take days off during the Olympic and Paralympic Games (OPG).

But the group’s CEO, Augustin de Romanet, took the “unilateral” decision to “pay a bonus only to some of the staff”, they regretted in a joint press release.

“All the unions have unanimously denounced these methods of division and the choices of management,” they indicate. “It is clear that the CEO has brushed aside our demands.”

A refusal that the unions consider “dogmatic”, when “the company has the resources to respond to the legitimate demands of employees and their representatives”, citing in particular “comfortable dividends from shareholders”.

During the summer period, Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle and Orly airports welcome some 350,000 passengers per day in total. Groupe ADP does not expect to see passenger volumes increase during the Games, but has taken measures to guarantee the reception of athletes, with specific routes and temporary infrastructure.

The trade union organisations have been demanding “for months” from management “resources to deal with the development of air traffic and the organisation of the Olympic Games”, they already recalled in a press release in mid-June.

Meeting on Friday in a general meeting, nearly 300 employees “supported the unanimous decision of the unions to interrupt their participation in all forms of meetings with management.”

The general assemblies “gave a mandate to launch a strike movement on July 17 to obtain satisfaction,” the unions affirmed on Monday.

“If we are reduced to calling for a strike, it is because of the stubborn refusal of management and in particular of the CEO of ADP, underestimating the ultimatum issued by the united unions and the determination of the staff,” affirmed the CGT, CFDT, FO and UNSA.

ADP employees had already been called to strike on May 19. The movement did not cause any major disruptions.

Employees from several sectors and public companies have successfully mobilised in recent months to obtain activity bonuses in preparation for the Olympic Games, particularly at RATP and SNCF.

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