Internet users question Cyril Hanouna who promised to leave the country in the event of a left-wing victory

On the social network X, many messages ironically recall the promise of the host of the show “Touche pas à mon poste” who had assured that he would leave France in the event of a victory of the New Popular Front.



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C8 and Europe 1 host Cyril Hanouna during a session before the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the allocation of TV frequencies, at the National Assembly in Paris on March 14, 2024. (ALAIN JOCARD / AFP)

The Internet forgets nothing. On the evening of the second round, users of the social network X demonstrated this again on Sunday, July 7, to the host of C8 and Europe 1, Cyril Hanouna, to remind him of a recent promise. In “Touche pas à mon poste!”, on June 12, Cyril Hanouna had assured that he would leave France if France Insoumise came to power. “I tell you, LFI in power, I’m leaving”he had proclaimed. After the announcement of the results of the second round of the legislative elections, at the end of which the New Popular Front created a surprise by coming out on top (but not LFI alone), some Internet users thought it useful to challenge the presenter.

“Hi Cyril Hanouna, there are discounts on Ryanair”jokes one Internet user on the X network. Another accompanied a photo of an airplane with this comment: “What’s this? The others, don’t say anything.” In Paris, protesters celebrating the left’s victory chanted “Hanouna, get lost!”according to videos posted on the X network. Comedian Guillaume Meurice also recalled the host’s remarks. LFI MP Sébastien Delogu also got involved to ask the host if he was a “man of his word”According to AFP, the word “Hanouna” appeared in more than 55,000 publications on the X network on Sunday evening.

The host reacted around 9 p.m., writing on the X network that “everyone [avait] lost!” “Elections (are) the opposite of fan school (. It’s) not everyone won (it’s all) everyone lost!”he continued, suggesting that he would still be on the air when school resumes.

During the campaign, the host had responded to the LFI candidates who used his words as a voting argument. To Louis Boyard, he had written that it was “a valve” and to Sébastien Delogu, he assured that it was a “joke”. This touch of humor leading to another, a petition was created on the site by a person calling for “vote[r] so that Cyril Hanouna keeps his word and leaves French territory”.

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