No, you don’t have to be afraid of sunscreen

Lately, a weird phenomenon has become popular on the internet. The anti-sunscreen movement. Many influencers claim that sunscreen is bad for your health. I spoke to pharmacist Olivier Bernard, who you may know as “Pharmachien,” about this. And he confirmed what I already thought: it’s COMPLETELY false. Let me explain.

The anti-what movement?!?!?

On TikTok and Instagram, influencers from Quebec say that sunscreen causes cancer, that its ingredients are toxic and that it prevents us from enjoying the benefits of the sun.

So what is the truth?

Olivier Bernard is a pharmacist. And you know what? He has a habit of denying fake news that affects health! The first thing he confirmed to me, is that what the influencers say is false.

What he taught me is that these false beliefs are based on real studies! But these studies have been misunderstood by many people. “For example, experts have said that ingredients in sunscreen can cause allergic reactions. People have assumed that they are toxic. This is not true, and it is a big exaggeration!” he told me.

What is sunscreen for?

“Some of the sunlight that reaches us is called ultraviolet rays, or UV. When we receive too much of it, it triggers a process in our body that can cause skin cancer,” Olivier explains to me.

Does sunscreen block the benefits of the sun?

No, Olivier reassures me. The sun’s rays trigger the production of vitamin D in our body. We need it to be healthy. But if our face and hands are exposed to the sun three times a week, for 15 minutes, that’s enough to give us the dose we need!

What are the consequences of this false information?

“It’s very serious. Cancers are often fatal diseases and it is really important to protect yourself from UV rays. As soon as someone says that the sun is always good for your health, it exposes people to real risks,” the pharmacist denounces.

Camille Lopez, The Aces of Info

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