encourage healthy aging by remaining active and independent

According to INSEE, there are more elderly people losing their autonomy at home in the poorest departments. It is in this context that CARSAT Centre-Ouest is launching the second edition of its SilverStars of Autonomy competition.


Reading time: 207 min

A competition for innovation and seniors. (SILVER STARS)

According to INSEE, “In 2021, in France, 7% of people aged 60 or over living at home are losing their autonomy. This rate exceeds 9% in 16 departments. Almost all of these are areas where poverty is more pronounced than elsewhere, and often have a limited supply of accommodation places for dependent elderly people.Furthermore, easier access to care or assistance in urban areas can make it easier to stay at home.”

The phenomenon of population ageing, which began in the 1970s, is set to continue until at least 2040, requiring appropriate and innovative responses.

It is in this context that CARSAT Centre-Ouest is launching the second edition of the Silver Stars of Autonomy, an innovation competition to encourage healthy aging while remaining active and independent.

A competition to stimulate innovation for seniors. The SilverStars of Autonomy competition is motivated by a mission: to transform the future of aging. This competition invites companies, associations and communities to propose innovations for active and independent aging.

The 10 major themes: housing and living environment; digital autonomy; mobility; daily life; support for carers and home workers; staying at home; social and intergenerational ties; emotional life; physical activity; regional planning promoting the quality of life of seniors in urban or rural areas.

The selected projects will be highlighted at an awards ceremony in Limoges. The four flagship missions of Silver Stars of Autonomy 2024: promotion of local initiatives, financial support for innovators, boosting the regional ecosystem, strengthening the commitment to innovation of CARSAT Centre-Ouest in the Silver Economy.

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