His relatives have been worried about his health for several months. Vladimir Kara-Mourza was sentenced in April 2023 to twenty-five years in prison for “treason” and spreading “false information” about the conflict in Ukraine.
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Jailed Russian opposition figure Vladimir Kara-Murza, who survived two poisoning attempts before his incarceration, has been hospitalized in a penitentiary, his wife announced on Friday, July 5.
“Vladimir Kara-Murza was transferred to a prison hospital. His lawyers were not allowed to see him”his wife Evgenia said on Facebook, without specifying why he had to be hospitalized.
The opponent’s relatives have been worried about his health for several months. Vladimir Kara-Mourza, a 42-year-old Russian-British citizen, is suffering, according to them, from polyneuropathy due to the two poisonings he suffered in 2015 and 2017.
Vladimir Kara-Mourza was sentenced in April 2023 to twenty-five years in prison for “treason” and dissemination of “fake news” on the conflict in Ukraine, a particularly harsh sentence, even in the context of increased repression in Russia. He is serving his sentence in a penal colony in Omsk, Siberia.
According to several investigative media outlets, including Bellingcat, The Insider And The Mirror, Russian secret services are involved in the poisonings he suffered.
Vladimir Kara-Mourza was honored in early May by the Pulitzer Prize jury for “his passionate articles written at the risk of his life from his prison cell.” The UK has called for his immediate release so he can receive treatment. “urgent”.