Video length: 4 min
2024 Legislative Elections: Olivier Faure Believes That “The Bulletin of Hope Is the One That Allows Us to Avoid the Far Right”
The results of the first round on Sunday, June 30 gave the far right the lead, followed by the union of the left, while the Macronists were left behind.
(France 2)
The results of the first round on Sunday, June 30 gave the far right the lead, followed by the union of the left, while the Macronists were left behind.
The first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, posted a landslide score in the eleventh constituency of Seine-et-Marne and was re-elected in the first round of the legislative elections. “I call on all those who did not vote for a left-wing candidate in the first round to do so in the second. I know it is difficult, I did it myself in 2002, in 2017, in 2022,” he said on Thursday July 4, as a guest on the 8 p.m. news.
The first secretary of the Socialist Party calls for a blockade of the National Rally in the second round of the legislative elections on July 7. “I did it because when the essential is at stake, there is no hesitation, there is only one ballot, the ballot of hope, it is the one that allows us to avoid the extreme right”adds the socialist on the France 2 set.