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Parents are always questioned about the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11. Faced with the strong circulation of the Omicron variant in children, only 90,000 children have been vaccinated to date.
For the vaccination of 5-11 year olds, a special logistics circuit has been set up. When they arrive at a dedicated vaccination center, children can start by coloring, or listening to a story, so as not to think about the injection. “Vaccinations for children are not the same as for adults (…) It is absolutely necessary to have pediatric doses to vaccinate children, and professionals who agree to vaccinate children“, says Estelle Riblier, the referring doctor of the Edison vaccination center, located in Paris.
Age 11-year-old Anatole did not hesitate to take the vaccine, which he apprehended in a particularly serene way. “When I knew it was for 5-11 year olds, I was happy (…) I was able to get vaccinated (…) for the grandparents“, he testified. Of the 6 million children living in France, only 90,533 received their first injection, i.e. less than 2%.