voters are more uncertain than ever



Article written by

A.Peyrout, T.Maillet, T.Petit, E.Maizy, A.Tribouart, E.Noël – France 2

France Televisions

With 92 days before the election, the political landscape has rarely been so fractured, and the French have never been so uncertain of their vote. 30% of them have already changed their mind in the past two months.

With fifteen candidates for a single chair at the Elysee Palace, voters are more undecided than ever. They are 47% not to have made a final choice. On the university campus of Bordeaux (Gironde), Juliette Oblin, student in Master 1 in law, confides that she does not have “of choice of heart”, nor the leader with whom she is “100% agree”. “Today, we have the impression that it is quite a minority, the moderate candidates”, abounds Lucas Villemonteix, student in Master 1 of law.

Among right-wing voters, one in two potential voters of Valérie Pécresse is not sure whether to vote for her in the first round, concludes a study conducted by Ipsos. In a district where François Fillon and Emmanuel Macron totaled more than 60% of the votes in 2017, a retired couple knows that they will not vote for the head of state. “We are waiting for more details on all the economic problems, whether it is Pécresse, whether it is Zemmour or whether it is Le Pen”, confides the man. On the left, 67% of Yannick Jadot’s potential voters are not sure of their choice. One of these voters, Maxime Bouquet, consultant in digital transformation, is a little lost. “Jadot is inaudible at will, the mayor of Lyon, we do not hear him, the mayor of Grenoble we do not hear that much …”, he laments.

The electoral inquiry Ipsos / Sopra Steria for the Sciences Po Political Research Center (CEVIPOF), the Jean Jaurès Foundation and Le Monde

Results of the 2017 presidential election in Bordeaux

Non-exhaustive list.

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