Trump-Biden presidential debate | La Presse answers your questions

The first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, broadcast Thursday evening, raised many questions among our readers. The Press spoke with Julien Tourreille, researcher at the Raoul-Dandurand Chair at the University of Quebec at Montreal, and Karine Prémont, professor of applied politics at the University of Sherbrooke, to answer your questions.

Could the Democrats replace Joe Biden as candidate very quickly after his disastrous performance full of confusion? What will the process be?

Luc Cournoyer

According to Julien Tourreille, the Democrats cannot quickly replace Joe Biden, “because the only time they can do it is at their convention” which will take place in August in Chicago.

“It would be necessary for the delegates who were [élus] in the primary process and of which Joe Biden won the overwhelming majority decide for themselves […] not to vote for [lui à la convention] », explains Mr. Tourreille.

“In the Electoral College, in most states, the electors [pour la présidentielle]who represent the choice of the voters, are required to vote in accordance with the results of the election in their state,” says Mr. Tourreille, while in the Democratic Party, delegates “have no statutory obligation to vote” for Joe Biden. It is rather a “promise to vote.” His replacement is therefore a possibility, but it would still be necessary to “convince the majority of delegates not to vote for Joe Biden and that is not a given.”

Should the decision to step down come from Mr. Biden or can the Democratic Party make the decision?

Charles Trépanier

“It must come from Mr. Biden, because as long as he doesn’t withdraw, he remains a candidate,” explains Karine Prémont. In principle, he has obtained the number of delegates necessary for a presidential nomination. [durant les primaires]. »

On the other hand, as mentioned previously, the delegates can decide to exclude Joe Biden during their convention, but according to Mr. Tourreille, the simplest would be for Mr. Biden to make this decision.

“It would be surprising if Joe Biden left at this stage, but anything is possible,” said Mme Prémont said Democrats will likely wait for the dust to settle in the coming months, especially since “the Republican convention is coming up in two weeks, so the media and people’s attention is going to be on the Republicans,” which could “allow the Democratic camp to get its act together and see what strategy they can use going forward.”

Could Biden get Kamala Harris to replace him for the second debate? And for the rest of the campaign, if he withdraws?

Micheline Paquet


Vice President Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris could not replace Joe Biden in the second debate, since it is a presidential debate, not a vice-presidential one, explains Mme Premont. “These are very distinct debates,” she said. It’s as if we were having a leaders’ debate here and Legault decided to send his minister in his place, that’s not possible.”

If Joe Biden withdrew, Kamala Harris would not automatically become a presidential candidate, specifies the professor. There would be what is called an “open convention,” according to Mr. Tourreille, meaning that at the Democratic convention, delegates would have to agree on who replaces Mr. Biden, and “There’s no guarantee it’s Kamala Harris,” even if she’s running for vice president.

Has a candidate ever withdrawn from an American election campaign? Or would this be a first?

Marie Pepin

Former President Lyndon Johnson withdrew from the race in March 1968, ultimately deciding not to seek a second term amid the Vietnam War, experts recall. This led to an open convention a few months later. “It happened in the middle of the primary season,” says Premont.

Why didn’t the moderators intervene when Trump didn’t answer the question he was asked? Or when he lied?

Jacques Deslauriers and several other readers

” [Les modérateurs] were in a difficult position, because if they had started fact-checking every time Trump told a lie, it would have been more of a debate between the moderators and Trump,” Premont. The professor believes that this decision was taken by the moderators and the CNN channel to avoid being “called pro-Biden” and to ensure the fluidity of the debate.

” [Les modérateurs et la chaîne CNN] “had said from the start that they would not do live fact-checking,” Tourreille adds. As for Trump’s responses, the researcher considers that “this is the nature of a debate or an interview with a politician.”

Do we know if voting intentions have changed following this debate?

Emma Boileau

It is too early to know if there have been any changes in voting intentions following the debate, according to the experts consulted, but polls should be released in the coming days.

“For now, the only indicator we have […]”That’s the reaction immediately after the debate of viewers surveyed by CNN,” Tourreille explains. “More than two-thirds believe that Donald Trump won this debate, so we’ll now see if this opinion translates into voting intentions.”

Do you think that Democrats were able to request this debate knowing that it would go badly, in order to hasten Joe Biden’s departure?

Marie Pepin

According to the two experts consulted, it is very unlikely that this will be the case. Mr. Tourreille also points out that “it was Joe Biden’s campaign team that wanted this debate”, and therefore it would be “far-fetched” to have wanted it and then “scuttle” it.

Rather, their goal seemed to be “to demand a debate earlier in the season, even before the conventions […]telling themselves that if things don’t go well, they would have time to catch up, to correct themselves,” according to Prémont, especially since they perhaps thought they could take advantage of Mr. Trump’s conviction in his trial in connection with the Stormy Daniels affair.

According to Mr. Tourreille, another goal of the Democrats with this debate was to show that Biden was “capable of standing up to Donald Trump and allaying fears about his age,” but he failed this “test” .

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