Five keys to following Thursday’s debate

It is obviously too early to talk about a turning point in the race for the White House. But one thing is already certain: this race will have its most important moment Thursday evening in Atlanta, location of the first debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. What should you expect? Five word answer.


Aged 81 and 78, Joe Biden and Donald Trump are both the subject of attacks on their cognitive abilities these days. Attacks which harm the president all the more as he appears more frail than his rival. His performance could confirm or refute doubts about his ability to lead his country for four more years. The same goes for the former president, who has recently made incoherent speeches. Ironically, Joe Biden could benefit from being portrayed as a president on the verge of senility. His opponents did not set the bar very high.


Chance favors Joe Biden on this key theme of his campaign. The debate comes four days after the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision eliminating the constitutional right to abortion. The president will take the opportunity to recall Donald Trump’s role in this decision which a majority of Americans deplore and which leads to horror stories in several states where abortion has been banned or access to it restricted. He will also criticize his rival for endangering access to the abortion pill and fertilization. in vitro. His rival will argue that these questions are a matter for the States.


Donald Trump will respond with his own horror stories on his favorite subject. In recent days, he has focused on crimes committed by illegal immigrants, including the murder of a mother of five. And he has falsely linked these crimes to a new policy by Joe Biden that will allow illegal immigrants who have been married to American citizens for at least 10 years to obtain permanent residency. The president will respond by recalling in particular the pressure his rival exerted on Republican lawmakers to block the passage of a bipartisan bill aimed at securing the southern border.


One of the unknowns of the debate is how the candidates will react to the rules announced by CNN, broadcaster of the event. Will the absence of an audience to applaud his lines cool Donald Trump? Will muting his microphone during Joe Biden’s speeches really prevent him from interrupting him? In the final analysis, these rules could help the former president project a more… presidential image, which would advantage him in the eyes of independents, the key audience of the debate. Another unknown: Donald Trump’s reaction to the moderators, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, whose impartiality he has questioned in recent days.


The 90-minute debate will take place more than four months before the presidential election, rather than in late September or early October, as is customary. We can therefore wonder what will be left when voters make their choice. That said, a killer formula, a major gaffe or an unexpected performance could make an impact and reorient the race for the White House. Discussions on the economy, the dominant concern of voters, will also play a determining role in the impact of the debate. For the moment, voters trust Donald Trump more than Joe Biden on this subject.

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