Despite his duty of reserve, Ibrahim says he is very worried about the rise in power of the RN’s ideas a few days before the early legislative elections.
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“I experience it very badly“, confided this Tuesday on France Inter, Ibrahim*, a senior Franco-Senegalese civil servant. He occupies a position which corresponds to the brief description of the “sensitive jobs” Or “strategic” made by Jordan Bardella. The president of the National Rally confirmed Monday, during a press conference to present his party’s program for the legislative elections, wanting to “reserve” these positions “in sectors particularly linked to security and defense exclusively to French citizens”. He clarified that this concerns “very, very few people“. A little earlier, the outgoing deputy and vice-president of the RN, Sébastien Chenu, explained that the list of these jobs will be decree“.
Despite his duty of confidentiality, Ibrahim wanted to testify on France Inter with an assumed first name and while remaining very discreet about his profession, because he is very worried. “I come from a working-class neighborhood in Seine-Saint-Denis and I studied science“, he explains.
“Very proud“from his journey, he obtained this position”quite strategic, coveted by many people“by working a lot. Because, he continues, “I always told myself that to succeed, I had to do more. Twice as much, three times as much, four times as much…” SO, “it would be a real shame if someone deprived me” of this job, adds this senior official.
He expresses on France Inter his deep concern for himself, but also for the young people whom he tries to convince that social advancement exists in France.
“Several years ago, I created an association to help young people from working-class neighborhoods, so that they can get by, so that they can have examples of inspiring career paths.”
If this measure of the National Rally comes into force, “I don’t know how we can explain this to the youngest. How can we explain that they don’t have the right, but that others do?” he asks, calling for “fight against it“. But he can’t hide his “fear” while the RN is leading in voting intentions according to the polls.
*The first name has been changed