VIDEO. The fight of Henry Chavancy, captain of Racing 92, for his son Côme who is awaiting a liver transplant


Video length: 4 min

Organ donation: Côme, 3 years old, awaits his liver transplant _copy
(France TV)

The captain of Racing 92 is the father of a child who is awaiting a transplant, like 272 others in France.

Champion of France in 2016 and three-time finalist of the Champions Cup (2016, 2018, 2020), Henry Chavancy is playing the most important match of his life, far from the field. At 36, the Racing 92 captain is the father of a 3-year-old boy awaiting a liver transplant. On this June 22, national organ donation day, the native of Strasbourg talks about his “little boy who was unlucky at birth”.

“It’s a long wait, obviously. Sometimes we see him suffer. We can’t wait, for us but especially for him, that he can live again with his new liver”, adds the player who has four selections in Blue, and whose son takes twenty medications a day, while waiting for a transplant within 6 to 9 months. A fight led by the rugby player – a true child of Racing, where he has been playing since 1999! – in parallel with his career, like the parents of 272 children in France.

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