The world record for the longest accordion concert broken in the North

Christelle de Franceschi broke the world record for the longest accordion concert on Saturday in Hergnies in the North by playing for 80 hours 53 minutes and 28 seconds. The musician broke her own record which she had held since 2022.

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franceinfo – With France Bleu Nord

Radio France


Reading time: 1 min

A woman plays the accordion.  Illustrative photo.  (MOURAD ALLILI / MAXPPP)

The world record for the longest accordion concert was broken on Saturday in Hergnies, in the North, France Bleu Nord reported on Sunday June 23. The record holder, Christelle de Franceschi, played for 80 hours 53 minutes and 28 seconds. “It’s huge, it’s a lifetime’s work”, she reacted to the microphone of France Bleu. The concert took place in a town square, under a marquee. The musician played a four to five hour program on loop.

Christelle de Franceschi already held the previous world record, dating from 2022, in 75 hours 26 minutes and 8 seconds. Since 2021, this former music teacher has in fact made a habit of trying to beat the world record every year. With each attempt, she improves her preparation a little more. This year, she followed very precise physical and mental training. She was accompanied by a mental coach. “The first two years, I fell asleep at night and even if I slept for a few minutes, I had difficulty restarting the machine”, she testified. This year she was “so well prepared” that she only did “two naps of around twelve minutes”.

During the three days and three nights of the concert, Christelle de Franceschi was also very well surrounded, with volunteers, the organizers and her family, who did everything possible to ensure her success.

To enter the famous Guinness Book of Records, her feat had to meet very strict conditions: less than 30 seconds between each piece of music and five minutes of break per hour, which she could accumulate. It was also filmed 24 hours a day and witnesses came one after the other to attest to the record. “Christelle and her team will now put together the file in order to obtain validation from Guinness in a few months,” said her Facebook page.

One of Christelle de Franceschi’s next goals is to play the accordion for several days, but this time while walking.

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