“The RN will sort between the good victims, very French, and the bad victims,” warns the Women’s Foundation

Anne-Cécile Mailfert strongly criticized the RN program on franceinfo, while feminist associations and unions demonstrated on Sunday against the far-right party.


Reading time: 5 min

Anne-Cécile Mailfert, president of the Women’s Foundation.  (FRANCEINFO / RADIOFRANCE)

“The National Rally, tomorrow, will sort between the good victims, good French people as they should be, and the bad victims who will no longer have access to emergency accommodation”, alerted Anne-Cécile Mailfert, president of the Women’s Foundation, on Sunday June 23 on franceinfo. A speech which comes at a time when feminist associations and unions are calling for demonstrations this Sunday in several cities in France against the far right, one week before the first round of the anticipated legislative elections.

Anne-Cécile Mailfert recalls that there is, “among immigrants, a very large number of women who are vulnerable” and who are “victims of violence”. The president of the Women’s Foundation fears that with the extreme right there will be “an assignment of women to return to their role as mothers”.

franceinfo: Why are you calling for demonstrations against the far right?

Anne-Cécile Mailfert: The far right is a danger for women’s rights. In its history, it always has been. She always opposed all advances for women’s rights. Today, when we see what they do when they are elected to the European Union, in all the countries of the world, we see that these are really ultra-conservative movements that want to return to what it was before . And for women, what it was before was ‘work-family-homeland’. For women, this is in no way an emancipation project. On the contrary, it is an assignment of women to return to their role as mothers.

Jordan Bardella assures that women are free in France and that they will remain so. He denounces “lies” spread by “the extreme left”. According to him, the RN is already working in the National Assembly to guarantee women’s freedom. Do you hear it?

It’s a political strategy that they have put in place for several years and which is winning. In fact, the National Rally will analyze everything through the prism of immigration. He doesn’t deny that sexual violence exists, for example, but he says: it’s because of immigrants. And since we are going to send the immigrants home, don’t worry ladies, you will be safe. The problem is that in reality, sexual violence is committed most of the time by those around them, by their colleagues, their families, their friends, their husbands. Femicides are committed by spouses or ex-spouses.

“Among immigrants there are obviously violent men, but as there are among all men, in reality. There is a proportion of violent men. But the problem of the National Rally is that it does not wants, under no circumstances, to ensure that women are equal to men.”

Anne-Cécile Mailfert, president of the Women’s Foundation

at franceinfo

What he wants is to convince women that their security problem is immigration. And what we are reminded of is that this is false, and that there are among immigrants a very large number of women who are vulnerable, precisely because they do not necessarily have a job title. stay. They are vulnerable and they are also victims of violence. And the National Gathering, tomorrow, will sort between the good victims, good French people as they should be, and the bad victims who will no longer have access to emergency accommodation. So really, the world vision of the National Rally, of the far right in general, is a world vision that goes the opposite of what we advocate.

The National Rally cites examples to demonstrate that they indeed support women’s rights, such as creating more emergency accommodation places for women victims of gender-based and sexual violence, defending women victims of excision. He cites something concrete. For you, this is not true?

The far right around the world is supported more by men than women. So they know that to progress and succeed in taking power, they must seduce women. So they actually voted for some texts, often not in majority and not in totality, like abortion in the Constitution. It was not the majority or the entirety of the National Rally group that voted for it to be included in the constitution.

But above all, it is never them who defend these texts, it is never them who propose these texts. They have a few votes to their credit, so they can adorn themselves, drape themselves a little in this image.

“And when you look at their agenda today, other than maternal pay – it’s a good signal of what they want for women. There’s absolutely nothing in the way of a proposal to help women do that. so that things get better, so that there is more equality.”

Anne-Cécile Mailfert, president of the Women’s Foundation

at franceinfo

Sociological studies and electoral studies show that if the RN is progressing, it is in particular because more and more women are voting for this party. What do you say to these women who decide to vote for the National Rally today?

We tell them we understand why they do that. Indeed, there are many things that are unsatisfactory today regarding the subject of violence against women. Clearly, the current majority has not done what it could do. But it is a mistake to think that the National Rally will solve this. Because when we look around the world, all far-right movements are ultra-conservative movements which have an idea of ​​the family and an idea of ​​the role of women which is extremely alienating. It assigns us to the role of mother.

And then the problem of women’s safety is first and foremost a problem of inequality. It is because women do not have access to power, do not have access to the same responsibilities, that they are more vulnerable and more victims of violence, particularly from those close to them. Don’t be fooled by their seductive talk.

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