Maisons Marianne is a responsible habitat that brings together all generations to create bonds and fight against isolation.
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Maisons Marianne aims to be a model of housing for “living well together” and to combat isolation. These are intergenerational residences which take into account all the issues of local authorities in terms of rental housing (number, surface area, typology) and meet the commitments relating to the SRU law. (Article 55 of the SRU lawhas required certain municipalities since 2000 to have a minimum number of social housing units. The SRU law is a tool that promotes social housing as a service of general interest and an instrument of social diversity).
Each residence is designed, from its conception, as a tailor-made project, the result of close collaboration between the Maisons Marianne teams, its scientific committee, local elected officials and landlords. It is in this same spirit of co-construction that residents are associated, to build a shared living project, which takes their expectations into account. 100% of accommodation is accessible to people with reduced mobility (PRM).
The common areas of the residences called Salon Marianne, classified ERP, are places open to all which promote social connections. These are modular spaces, adapted to each activity: multimedia, manual, artistic, cultural, well-being, sports, but also shared meals, festive moments and outings.
The shared living project is developed specifically for each residence, for and with the residents. Qualified coordinator coordinators are present to ensure links with residents.
“It is also about responding to the fundamental need to recreate links between residents, between generations, the true basis of social and territorial cohesion. Expectations are immense.”
Nicolas Brunet, Deputy Managing Director of Maisons MarianneMarianne Houses
Maisons Marianne today covers three territories: Ile-de-France and Normandy with headquarters in Paris, Hauts-de-France and Grand Est with an agency in Lille, and PACA and Nouvelle Aquitaine with an agency in Marseille.