Arnaud Robinet’s “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Sunday June 23, 2024

Arnaud Robinet, Horizons mayor of Reims, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday June 23, 2024



Reading time: 17 min

Arnaud Robinet, Horizons mayor of Reims, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday June 23, 2024 (FRANCEINFO/RADIOFRANCE)

Arnaud Robinet, Horizons mayor of Reims, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday June 23, 2024. Legislative, macronism, Edouard Philippe.. He answered questions from Jean-Rémi Baudot and François Beaudonnet.

The majority “lacked vision” since 2022

Arnaud Robinet, Horizons mayor of Reims and president of the French Hospital Federation, calls for “rewrite a new page” face “to failure” of macronism. “Macronism was about bringing together those who wanted to work together, it was about putting an end to right-left oppositions, we see that it is a failure in a certain way today”he explains.

Questioning the very definition of macronism, the mayor of Reims indicates that “if macronism means giving extreme blocs the ability to exist, to be present on the national scene and to have results as we know them today”so he “does not adhere to it”. “I believe that since 2022, we have lacked vision”, “there are concerns that we have not been able to detect” judge Arnaud Robinet who, despite “his greatest respect” for Emmanuel Macron, recognizes that “the face of the president has become quite repulsive.”

Édouard Philippe “was loyal to the end” to Emmanuel Macron

“We are facing an exceptional situation (…) Two blocs clash, the extreme right and the extreme left”notes Arnaud Robinet, putting the National Rally and the New Popular Front back to back. “We are at the end of a story, there is no longer a presidential majority, we must rebuild everything”believes Arnaud Robinet, pleading for “a central bloc, from the social democrats to the moderate LR”.

According to him, the leader of his party and former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe “chat with everyone”, “all those who supported Raphaël Glucksmann’s list in the European elections, all those who refuse to make an alliance with the extreme left” and that “have their place in this central bloc, in a large presidential majority.”

Asked about Edouard Philippe’s loyalty to Emmanuel Macron, and about his responsibility in “failure” of macronism, Arnaud Robinet recalls that“Edouard Philippe was loyal to the end.” “It was not he who decided to dissolve the National Assembly, it was the President of the Republic. From there, the disunity came rather from the Élysée”, tackles Mayor Horizons. For him, “Edouard Philippe fully assumes responsibility” its responsibility in the current situation. “There are concerns that we were not able to detect,” he continues, “but it is clear that the decisions taken at the time were the right ones.”

“The French are not racist”

“There are not 33% of French people who are racist or fascist, there is a form of fed up, which we must understand” considers Arnaud Robinet. “The French are not racist, what do they want? That those we welcome on our territory respect the values ​​of the republic. If we commit a crime, an offense, we are judged and we are expelled, that is what the French want, we must control this immigration”, he adds. For the Mayor Horizons of Reims “the subject is how to better welcome those who come to France”.

“For years we have pushed this issue under the rug”. “I have always been in favor of quotas, for better assimilation”, explains the president of the French Hospital Federation.

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