associations demonstrate in Paris


Video length: 1 min

Anti-Semitism: associations demonstrate in Paris
Several hundred demonstrators responded to the call from associations to counter racism and anti-Semitism on Thursday June 20.
(France 2)

Several hundred demonstrators responded to the call from associations to counter racism and anti-Semitism on Thursday June 20.

In Paris, hundreds of demonstrators gathered on Thursday June 20 to stand against anti-Semitism and racism. Everyone is still in shock after the rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl in Courbevoie (Hauts-de-Seine). “Every time there is a crime, every time there is anti-Semitism, every time there is racism, we must mobilize”assures a participant. “It’s a form of homage that we are going to pay to this young girl. We come together to give her our support”adds another.

This cohesion is advocated by several associations such as SOS Racisme. Its president denounces anti-Semitic speeches from certain political leaders. “We don’t play with hatred, we don’t play with ambiguities”, asks Dominique Sopo, president of SOS Racisme. Since the start of 2024, anti-Semitic acts have increased by 300% compared to the same period in 2023.

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