and if France became ungovernable, what would happen?


The campaign for early legislative elections is in full swing and if the RN or the New Popular Front wins the legislative elections, it will be the return of cohabitation. What would such a scenario look like? Ludo Pauchant receives Marie-Anne Cohendet, constitutionalist at Paris I, Jean-Christophe Gallien, political scientist, Marinette Valiergue, member of Nous Démocratie and contributor to the Jean Jaurès Foundation on Citizen Participation as well as Vincent Martigny, professor of political science at the University of Nice and the Polytechnic School.

The day after the second round of early legislative elections, on July 7, 2024, France could be faced with cohabitation. Indeed, if the Head of State certifies having pronounced the dissolution hoping to obtain a majority in the National Assembly, the opposition political forces (RN and New Popular Front) also claim to be able to win it.

The political landscape as it has emerged for several weeks suggests the possibility of cohabitation between the President of the Republic and a Prime Minister from the opposition. This situation, anticipated by the institutions of the Fifth Republic, has already occurred, most recently, during the cohabitation between President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin.

However, the opposition is also fractured and the risk of a ternary structure in the Assembly with three parties (RN, union of the left and presidential majority) would deprive the chamber of an absolute majority making it difficult to appoint a Prime Minister. “consensual”. So, what could governance look like in the event of cohabitation? How to prepare for this eventuality? Finally, what are the implications for citizens?

Come ask your questions and discuss with the guests of the Franceinfo Talk!

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