different uses of dating applications by those under 30


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The use of dating applications increased in 2023 compared to 2022. (VALLAURI NICOLAS / MAXPPP)

The National Institute of Demographic Studies published a study on Wednesday on the emotional lives of people under 30. It indicates that in 2023, four out of five young adults have experienced a sexual or romantic relationship at work, in public places or on dating applications.

“Alex, 28 years old, curious and enterprising”. This is what we can read, for example, in the “bios” of dating application users. They are the third place for romantic encounters among those under 30, after work and public places, according to a study by the National Institute of Demographic Studies, published this Wednesday, June 19.

Nabil is used to using applications on his phone, always in hand. Tinder, Grindr, Bumble, whatever: it makes first contacts with strangers easier. “There are people I dated for a few months and then things meant that we didn’t continue together. But it’s not so much the dating app or the fact of having met on college, high school or elsewhere which affected the relationship”, explains the young man.

For Alexia, it was more of an experience to try. At 24, she wanted to get over a breakup by meeting new, less serious people. “Just for the night”, confides the woman who is now 27 years old. “I realized it was pretty easy. I did it for four or five months, then I stopped.” she continues.

“Anyway, I couldn’t see myself meeting someone on a dating app for it to be serious”

Even if it is not the preferred place to find a partner, these applications remain widely used: 9% more in 2023 than in 2022, according to a Médiamétrie study. But many use it for different reasons, including making friends.

“I installed the OkCupid application because I arrived in a new city and I was looking for friends. On the application, you can indicate on the profile if you are looking for ‘love’, rather for hookups. evening, more like friends”, explains Isé. She adds : “I also use dating apps a lot to boost my ego, I see that I can please, but in fact, I never talk to people.”

Catherine Demongeot, couples therapist, also noticed this diversity of uses of dating applications. “People are able to be clearer with what they want. Now that we have been using these applications for years, I think that there are also codes and conditioned behaviors that we have acquired over time “, explains the therapist.

“We perhaps more easily say no, we perhaps more easily say what we want”

Catherine Demongeot

at franceinfo

“You can very well tell someone on Tinder : ‘Actually, I’m not here for sex or love. I’m here because I want to meet someone, go drink with someone nice and that’s it.” she concludes.

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