“It may have overwhelmed me,” says the former deputy mayor

Hasbi Colak is accused of complicity in drug trafficking, suspected of having helped the drug traffickers alongside whom they appear.


Reading time: 1 min

Hasbi Colak on the stand, June 18, 2024, at the Bobigny criminal court.  (ELISABETH DE POURQUERY / FRANCEINFO)

In this trial, which began on June 4, the former mayor of Canteleu is on trial with 18 other defendants for having participated in vast drug trafficking. The former deputy mayor is on trial for complicity in drug trafficking. His links with the Meziani family, at the head of this trafficking in this town near Rouen, are particularly scrutinized, but at the helm, Tuesday June 18, the deputy mayor did everything to minimize these relationships.

Hasbi Colak appears at the helm, slicked back hair, athletic build. “Canteleu, it’s my whole life”, assures with emotion the former deputy mayor of the town of Canteleu. In the city where he grew up, he knows everyone and everyone knows him. This is also how this kebab owner will be offered the position of deputy mayor in charge of commerce in 2014.

Concerning the Meziani family and its activities, the elected official pleads ignorance. “It was hearsay, but I never saw them with drugs”insists Hasbi Kolak over and over again. “You were, however, close to this clan that ran the traffic…insists the president. To the point of going to Morocco, to the funeral of the eldest of the family.” But faced with the evidence, Hasbi Kolak remains unmoved, assuring that the Mezianis were only “good customers” of his restaurant.

“Your statements make me think of the statues of little monkeys who hide their eyes and earsthe president annoys. However, we have the impression that your role in town hall is increasingly limited to helping the Mezianis.” “Yesbreathes the former deputy mayor. It may have overwhelmed me, there were things I did for them that I shouldn’t have done.” he finally concedes. Hasbi Kolak is accused of having dragged the city’s mayor, Mélanie Boulanger, with him. She will be heard in court on Wednesday.

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