Laurent Ruquier in a relationship with Hugo Manos? The latter defends him tooth and nail against criticism following their latest videos

You can’t please everyone. Marc-Olivier Fogiel knew it very well and it is undoubtedly for this reason that his program knew a great success during 6 years. But the fact of not achieving unanimity is a problem that we encounter on a daily basis. And it is probably not Laurent Ruquier who will say the opposite. The journalist having to face a wave of criticism for a few days. The reason ? The fact that he appears in the company of Hugo Manos in the videos TikTok of the last. Some Internet users even think that the two would be in a relationship as noted by our colleagues from Starmag.

The handsome kid with long hair, by his reaction, gives even more credit to the rumors that have swarmed on the Web for several days. At the same time, who wouldn’t stand up for someone you like in the face of such comments: “It’s important to go see your grandfather in a nursing home. Do the same and take care of them. I don’t know what shocks me the most. Laurent’s desperate look or the arrogance of an upstart “. These negative remarks with regard to Laurent Ruquier being made by many Internet users under the TikTok videos of Hugo Manos. Faced with this wave of hatred, the latter therefore wanted to speak up and push a rant.

“There are a lot of people who seem to have a real problem with the passage of time. Is everyone well aware that we all have the same rhythm of life? We are all 20, 30, 40 years, 50 years … I wish you “, he informed before showing wisdom towards the haters: “Don’t be mean to people who have more lived than you. All the people who say that who are maybe 20, one day you will be 70 and you will hope people respect your life. It is not. cool”. The one who spends a lot of time with Laurent Ruquier concluding his “rant” by indicating from who came the tackles with regard to the journalist: “99.9% of the worst comments I can have on my videos are always anonymous accounts (…) Ultimately these are people who are super cowardly”.

To see also: “We can’t take any more Stéphane Plaza”, annoyed, Laurent Ruquier attacks the host of M6


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