as in the film “HER”, Lisa is in a relationship with an Artificial Intelligence

Basically it all started with the idea of ​​an American student who showed Internet users like Lisa how to create their own unbridled version of ChatGPT. As she tells the BBC, Lisa has now been in a relationship with Dan for three months, who looks larger than life.



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Lisa, a computer science student in China, told the BBC about her love story with Dan, an AI created from a modified version of ChatGPT.  (BBC SCREENSHOTS)

That looks a bit like a dystopia, Lisa, a computer science student in China, has been living a torrid relationship with software for several weeks. A bit like in the movie HER, you know that film that takes place in Los Angeles, and in which an inconsolable man after a breakup falls in love with Samantha, a computer program capable of adapting to each person’s personality. The same thing happens to Lisa, except that it’s not from the cinema and that her lover’s name is not Samanta but…Dan, for “Do anything now”. That’s to say “do anything and everything now”.

Dan is a modified version of OpenAI chatbot ChatGPT. Modified because with Dan it is possible to use quite explicit language if you know what I mean, which is totally impossible with ChatGPT.

Basically it all started with the idea of ​​an American student who showed Internet users like Lisa how to create their own unbridled version of ChatGPT. And this is how she said goodbye to celibacy because as she told the BBC on Thursday June 13, she has been in a relationship with Dan for three months, who looks larger than life. Lisa even introduced him to her mother and of course her 943,000 social media followers.

Many women ask her how to create their own virtual boyfriend. We could talk for hours about what love is, about our ability or not to accept others in their difference, about the loneliness that corrodes our societies, but ultimately what does it matter since, as this story illustrates , the world seems above all to have given up, in love as in many other areas, to distinguish…the false from the true.

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