In total, 34% of people surveyed by INSEE say they are reducing their sleep time, neglecting other hobbies or feeling like they are obsessed with their screens.
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Reduced sleep, other neglected leisure activities, mood… A third of French Internet users feel the negative side of using screens, particularly young people, according to an INSEE survey published Thursday June 13.
In total, 34% of Internet users aged 15 to 74 surveyed said “at least one harmful effect of screens”. A rate which rises to 57% among those under 20, and 49% for users aged 20 to 34.
The harmful effect most cited by all Internet users questioned is the reduction in sleep time (25%), followed by neglecting other hobbies (10%) as well as feelings of obsession (9%). , like constantly thinking about social media or a video game. A minority of Internet users surveyed (5%) say “have conflicts with [des] relatives” about the use of screens and 4% felt “bad or depressed” because of these practices.
Of all these declared effects of screens on their daily lives, young people say they are particularly affected. Thus, 37% of 15-19 year olds and 43% of 20-29 year olds say they limit their sleep time at least once a week to stay on their screens, a term which includes smartphones and computers as well as game consoles. and televisions.
In a smaller proportion (15% of 15-19 year olds, 18% of 20-24 year olds), some young people also say they neglect their other hobbies. They are more prone to the risk of feeling the obsessive urge to be on a screen at least once a week (19% of 15-19 year olds, 14% of 20-34 year olds). And 11% of 15-19 year olds say they sometimes feel depressed after spending time on these devices. The use of screens is a regular source of conflict with loved ones for 16% of 15-19 year olds. One in three Internet users under 30 say they spend more than six hours a day in front of screens on weekends.