visualize the very strong progression of La France insoumise in the working-class suburbs

In five years, the party led by head of the list Manon Aubry has progressed by 19.4 points in these territories, going from 9.9% to 29.3% of the vote.


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The La France insoumise list came first in 33 of the 40 municipalities of Seine-Saint-Denis (illustrative photo).  (ALEXANDRE BRE / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The victory is overwhelming for the National Rally. The party led by Jordan Bardella gathered 31.4% of the votes cast during the European elections on Sunday June 9, taking the lead in all territories, except in the popular suburbs, won by La France insoumise, on the basis of categories. territorial areas defined by INSEE where the social housing rate is at least 28%.

The LFI candidate, Manon Aubry, who totaled 9.89% of the votes nationally, almost won 29.3% of the votes in working-class neighborhoods. This is 19.4 points more than in 2019, a sign of growing popularity among voters who are usually not very mobilized.

It is in the north-east of the Paris region that Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party records its biggest scores. In Seine-Saint-Denis, for example, Manon Aubry comes first in 33 out of 40 municipalities, sometimes far ahead of its competitors. In La Courneuve, it won more than 58% of the votes and far outpaced the National Rally, which reached 12.6%.

Score of lists according to the type of territory (FRANCE INFO / LEA PRATI)

In these suburbs, the RN only progressed by 3 points between 2019 and 2024, while the list of the presidential majority, led by Valérie Hayer, fell by 10 points.

This strong progression responds to the strategy of the rebels, who focused their campaign on working-class neighborhoods. Jean-Luc Mélenchon has thus increased the number of meetings in the cities, in the northern districts of Marseille and in Seine-Saint-Denis, in the hope of mobilizing an abstentionist population. Another aspect of the LFI campaign to take into account in these results: the choice to bring the Palestinian cause to the forefront.

By placing the Franco-Palestinian jurist Rima Hassan in seventh position on his list and by denouncing in his program “the criminal policy of [Benyamin] Netanyahu against the Palestinians”the party hoped to reach residents of the suburbs, particularly the youngest.

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