MNHQ, towards a unifying national museum of the history of Quebec

40 years ago, on June 20, 1984, the Quebec government adopted the law establishing the Museum of Civilization in Quebec. Numerous debates at the time accompanied the reflection leading to the creation of this new museum, its mandate, its functions and even its name (in particular the names of Musée de l’homme d’ici, Institut de la civilization and Museum of Innovation). This is reminiscent of the discussions around the creation of a new national museum by the current government, 40 years later.

I am delighted to note that the creation of a new museum institution, far from arousing indifference in a society that is too often considered cynical, is of interest to many historians, professors and columnists. They consider the project important enough to devote time and attention to it. This is a healthy debate in a democratic society. The creation of the National Museum of Quebec History (MNHQ) is indeed an important project for Quebec society. It carries meaning and must be unifying.

It is not insignificant that the Quebec government has mandated the Musée de la civilization team to design the future museum and ensure its implementation. This gesture of confidence in our organization is based on the expertise that has been developed since its creation by an experienced team, gifted with openness and great listening skills, and on approaches recognized for their scientific rigor and their innovation. It is with this same determination that our institution is hard at work designing the future MNHQ.

In the wake of its public announcement and the tabling of the bill aimed at establishing the MNHQ, the Musée de la civilization is putting in place the scientific foundations that will enable it to meet this powerful challenge. To the advisory committee already announced will be added, with the rigor that has made the reputation of our institution, a scientific committee composed of historians, sociologists, anthropologists, professors from diverse backgrounds and in particular indigenous experts to ensure the richness and reliability of the content that will be deployed in the future museum.

In addition, numerous consultations with experts from various specialties and groups with multiple origins will improve the process and ensure its objectivity, in a broad and inclusive approach.

Through its distinctive mission which is to “make known and promote the history of Quebec, its culture and its distinct identity, as well as to bear witness to the evolution of the Quebec nation and the contribution of the communities which have shaped its journey and its territory”, the MNHQ will be complementary to the Museum of Civilization and the two other national museums. It will enrich the Quebec museum network and our capital with a flagship of which our community can be proud, aptly nestled in the heart of a heritage jewel located on one of the most significant sites in our collective history.

In the long term, there is no doubt that the Cité du Séminaire, of which the Musée de la civilization is a carrier and which will include, in addition to the new National Museum of the History of Quebec, a House of Sciences also long awaited by the community, will strengthen , a few steps from the Museum of Civilization, a major cultural and tourist hub in Quebec which will act as a revealer of a Quebec society that takes responsibility and has confidence in its future.

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