LR-RN alliance: disoriented voters


Video length: 2 min

LR-RN alliance: disoriented voters
LR-RN alliance: disoriented voters
(France 2)

Tuesday June 11, a few hours after Eric Ciotti’s announcement, who wants an alliance between The Republicans and the National Rally, the voters are making themselves heard.

A party now fractured. Voters and activists faced with a dilemma: the alliance with the National Rally. Two young women members of Les Républicains say “no” to any rapprochement with the RN: “We are in a Republican party which defends Republican values ​​​​(…) as an activist I could not support it”explains one of them.

Both denounce a solitary decision by Eric Ciotti. A turn towards Marine Le Pen also denounced in an upscale district of Paris by LR voters: “Alliances with the extremes are not what I want, they are not democratically good for France,” esteems a man. In Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes), a bastion of the right, the vote for the National Rally largely dominated on Sunday June 9.

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