The father of the “Granby girl” receives a 4-year prison sentence

The father of the “Granby girl” received a 4-year prison sentence for having her kidnapped shortly before her death in April 2019.

He therefore took the road to the penitentiary early Friday afternoon. As he had been detained after his arrest, this period of time is deducted from the sentence: he therefore has three and a half years in prison to serve.

This 4-year sentence was a joint suggestion by the Crown and the defense: it was endorsed by Judge François Huot of the Superior Court, who did not mince words towards the man when pronouncing the sentence.

“I have no kind of sympathy for you,” he told her.

“How could you have tied your child up like this?” He continued. You behaved towards this little girl like you do not with an animal. “

Recall that the spouse of the man had also been accused in this sad case. She was convicted of forcible confinement and second degree murder in December and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for 13 years.

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