Antony Blinken arrived in Egypt to promote truce proposal

The American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, arrived in Cairo on Monday June 10 to promote a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. In the Egyptian capital, he is due to meet Abdel Fattah al-Sissi. Then, after his meeting with the Egyptian head of state, Antony Blinken, who is making his eighth visit to the region in as many months of war, is due to go to Israel later today. Follow our live stream.

Washington is demanding a vote in the UN Security Council to support the truce plan. The United States announced on Sunday that it had requested a vote by the UN Security Council on its draft resolution calling on Israel and Hamas to implement “without delay” the ceasefire agreement in Gaza on the table, without specifying a date. “Today, the United States called on the Security Council to move towards a vote on the American draft resolution (…) supporting the proposal on the table”declared the spokesperson for the American mission to the UN, Nate Evans.

Benny Gantz resigns from Israeli unity government. The rival of the Israeli Prime Minister announced on Sunday its decision to leave the Israeli war cabinet and the broader government created after the Hamas attacks on October 7. On May 18, he issued an ultimatum to his rival Benjamin Netanyahu, asking him for a plan for the post-war period in the Gaza Strip.

Benjamin Netanyahu asks his rival not to “give up” the battle. “Israel is engaged in an existential war on several fronts. Benny, this is not the time to give up the battle, this is the time to join forces”the Israeli Prime Minister said on Sunday in a message on the social network The resignation of Benny Gantz should not, in the immediate future, cause major political upheavals, because the government coalition of Benyamin Netanyahu still has a majority in Parliament with the support of far-right groups.

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