which list came out on top in each EU country?

The major balances in the European Parliament are not upset by a vote at the end of which the conservative right remains the leading political force in the majority of member states.


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With 189 seats, the parliamentary group of the European People's Party (EPP) remains the leading force in the European Parliament.  (DURSUN AYDEMIR / ANADOLU / AFP)

If a political earthquake occurred in France on Sunday June 9, there was no major upheaval in the balance of power in the other EU countries during the European elections. The conservative right has thus established itself in most member states (as you can see on our map below). Some changes should nevertheless be noted, such as in Spain, where the right takes over the left, or in Austria, where the extreme right comes first.

Like five years ago, the European Union is mostly painted blue. The conservatives of the European People’s Party (EPP) are in the lead in around fifteen countries. The parliamentary group where French MEPs from the Les Républicains party sit remains the leading political force in the EU. The latest projections give it more than 180 seats, more than during the previous term (176).

Behind the conservative right, the left (progressive alliance of socialists and democrats) and the centrists (Renew Europe) each come out on top in several countries. The overall distribution more or less resembles that of 2019, as you can see on the map below. Only notable major shift: Spainwhere the right is ahead of the left in power by a short head.

The far right, for its part, consolidates its base in France with the results of the National Rally (around thirty seats), as well as in Italy, where Fratelli d’Italia, the party of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, arrived in lead with more than 28.5% of the vote (he does not, however, sit within the far-right ID group, but with that of the European conservatives and reformists). Austria is also moving to the far right with the victory of the conservative National Party (FPÖ).

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