Place for breastfeeding sponsors | The Press

The service is well known. For decades, mothers who wish to breastfeed have been able to obtain support from breastfeeding sponsors, volunteer mothers who listen to them, advise them and answer their questions. But did you know that there are also breastfeeding sponsors? Light on this new form of aid.

“Breastfeeding sponsor.” » Although we are very interested in subjects that directly or indirectly affect the family, we had never heard this expression before receiving the email from Steve A. Côté, volunteer at Nourri-Source Estrie and first sponsor of breastfeeding in the region.

No, contrary to what his title might suggest, he does not advise breastfeeding women, despite the fact that he has received the same training as breastfeeding godmothers. It is aimed at new fathers.

Not all men are necessarily lucky enough to have friends with children who they can turn to if they have questions following the birth of their baby, emphasizes the man who was the first dad in his gang. The breastfeeding sponsor is there to listen and answer fathers’ questions about the baby’s feedings, but also, more broadly, about their new role as dad.

“They need to be reassured and heard,” says Steve A. Côté, about the men who consulted him.


Steve A. Côté and his baby

Father of four children aged 12 years, 11 years, 2 years and 2 months, the volunteer is “excited” about the perinatal period. During the interview, he speaks enthusiastically about the moments spent carrying his baby or the “cocktail of hormones” felt by women, but also by men following the arrival of a new baby. born in the family.

Wishing to support other fathers so that they too experience a harmonious perinatal period, the man who also works for an organization working with men heading single-parent families completed the Nourri-Source Estrie volunteer form. He was pleasantly surprised when the organization called him back.

Why this service?

If Nourri-Source Estrie added this service to its offer, it is in particular to help fathers navigate the numerous information circulating on breastfeeding, indicates its general director Anne-Marie Aumond. In the Nourri-Source forum on Facebook, which has more than 25,000 members, many mothers report that they and their partners do not agree on the subject.

“Their partner was told by a colleague or his mother: ‘Your wife should not breastfeed at night,’ or things like that. This always creates conflicts in couples, because the father does not have factual information. It’s more hearsay, people’s opinions. Offer a service to inform the father so that he can ask his questions […]it helps the couple to better harmonize on breastfeeding,” argues Anne-Marie Aumond.

Launched about two months ago, the telephone support service is still in its embryonic stage. For the moment, Steve A. Côté has only spoken with two godchildren. Is it because men don’t need such a service? Steve A. Côté rather thinks that, for the moment, it is because the offer is unknown.

There is a new generation of fathers who are clearly more open. They are closer to their feelings. […] They necessarily need to talk with others.

Steve A. Côté, volunteer at Nourri-Source Estrie and breastfeeding sponsor

However, he notes that many men are reluctant to seek help. “It’s a trail that’s going to be hard to hit,” he illustrates. There are dads who will have to ask for help, but there are also health network workers who will have to dare to talk about the service. »

According to him, some professionals take it for granted that fathers will not turn to a breastfeeding sponsor. So they don’t pass on the information to them even if they have the opportunity.


Sometimes fathers have difficulty finding their role when the mother is breastfeeding.

Needs of mother and father

However, Steve A. Côté strongly believes in the benefits that discussions between fathers can bring, whether on breastfeeding or on any other subject affecting perinatal life. “With breastfeeding, the dad’s task is to listen to the mother, to be attentive to her needs, to be present for her. […] When she is exhausted, fed up, when things aren’t working and she even becomes angry or sad, you have to take the time to listen to her. This is our role as partners,” says the volunteer, who believes that fathers also need a space to talk about what they are going through, the joys as well as the more difficult moments.

“Sometimes, fathers have difficulty finding their role when the mother is breastfeeding. Talking about it with another father who has experienced the same situation can help him take his place in the new family life,” says Julie Richard, general director of the Nourri-Source Federation, which has just launched a platform to facilitate matching between breastfeeding godmothers (and godfathers) and parents.

Elsewhere in Quebec

Nourri-Source Estrie is not the only regional division of the Federation to support fathers.

Nourri-Source Laurentides has been offering telephone twinning since 2021 thanks to the mobilization of a committee of volunteer fathers. So far, only seven dads have benefited from the service, but it has made a significant difference for them, says Alexia Thibault, general director of Nourri-Source Laurentides.

In its communications, her organization places great emphasis on the importance of fathers (or co-parents) throughout the breastfeeding period. She also notices an increased presence of companions during breastfeeding stops or meetings with lactation consultants.

Steve A. Côté understands that some fathers can feel helpless when their partner is breastfeeding. After all, they cannot breastfeed the baby themselves. However, he is convinced that every father benefits from being involved in the life of his newborn. Thanks to Nourri-Source Estrie, he also runs three monthly workshops for fathers, including one online accessible via the Nourri-Source Estrie Facebook page. He plans to address various topics such as babywearing, developmental games, skin-to-skin… “It’s a support circle of dads,” he summarizes.

Visit the Nourri-Source Estrie website

Learn more

  • 89%
    Percentage of Quebec mothers who have started breastfeeding

    Source : Progress Report on Breastfeeding in Canada2022, Statistics Canada

    Percentage of Quebec mothers who breastfed for at least six months

    Source : Progress Report on Breastfeeding in Canada2022, Statistics Canada

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