one in three French people say they suffer from it


Video length: 3 min

“Administrative phobia”: one in three French people say they suffer from it
“Administrative phobia”: one in three French people say they suffer from it

Many French people say they are extremely reluctant to deal with the numerous administrative procedures that punctuate their daily lives. A “phobia” particularly widespread among 18-34 year olds.

Administrative papers are everywhere: health insurance, family allowances, taxes… Dozens of boxes to check and figures to provide. And it’s rarely a pleasure, especially when the weather invites leisure. For some, these steps turn into a nightmare. “It’s a horror, I can’t stand the steps, it’s always problems“, deplores a local resident. Another claims to suffer from “administrative phobia“, and explains that he has “always tend to wait until the last moment“.

A third of French people say they suffer from administrative phobia, and one in two young people aged 18-34. Administrative phobia is characterized by “an irrational fear which will have repercussions in private life, professional life“, explains Eudes Séméria, psychologist and clinician. The specialist adds that those who suffer from it “have retained a large part of immaturity due to their upbringing, for example people who were looked after by their parents who did everything for them“. One of the symptoms: postponing tasks until later.

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