Management of the fifth wave | The PLQ calls for an extraordinary meeting

In an attempt to put an end to the “confusion” that reigns regarding the management of the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Liberal Party of Quebec is asking that the National Assembly be convened for an extraordinary session.

Judith Lachapelle

Judith Lachapelle

At a press conference on Friday morning, the head of the PLQ, Dominique Anglade, demanded that the government come and explain to the 125 deputies “the next steps, the next steps” that he intends to take to get through this period. “We need to be told clearly what to do, how to do it and when to do it. This week has shown us that we need a lot of clarification of the rules. ”

In addition, Mme Anglade wants the Prime Minister to summon the party leaders every week to take stock of the situation.

Even before the press conference, the Legault government rejected the proposal, indicating that it was “counterintuitive to want to reopen Parliament” when Quebecers must avoid contact and practice teleworking. Mme Anglade replied that his party was ready to discuss the modalities. “It is not all the deputies who must be summoned” on the spot, she said, indicating that this meeting could take place on a single day.

The resumption of parliamentary work is scheduled for 1er February.

Unlike the press conferences regularly held by the ministers of François Legault’s cabinet, an extraordinary session of the National Assembly would allow all the deputies “to be the spokespersons for all the questions we hear in our counties”, said Mme Anglade. “Press conferences do not allow us to have all the answers to the questions,” she said.

The liberal leader cited the upcoming distribution of new arrivals of rapid tests as an example. “How many will there be?” How will the deployment be done? “, She listed. “Why not send them by post?” ”

“There is no doubt in my mind that several things should have been done differently,” said Anglade. Without clearly opposing the curfew, she described this instruction as “the last measure to put in place when you have lost control”.

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