On Élyse Marquis’s bedside table

Élyse Marquis will host the highly anticipated final of the Chiefs!, on ICI Télé. She will then collaborate all summer on Phil Roy’s show A little, a lot, passionately, on Rouge FM, in addition to being an ambassador for the aidesonenfant.com platform. She shares her current readings with us.

Change the flower water

“I think it’s my favorite book ever. It’s a book about the little things in life. What touched me particularly was of course the love of a mother for her daughter, but I think that it is profoundly a book about how to get back up and continue to live even when you no longer have one. taste. The writing is very fine, with characters who stay with us for a long time. It’s truly a feel-good book. I felt like I was living the story as it happened. I don’t know if I will ever find a book that will touch me as much, between the great beauty of simplicity and the great strength of gentleness. »

Change the flower water

Change the flower water

Albin Michel

557 pages

The literary circle of potato peeling lovers

This is a book my father suggested I read. It takes place in England, at the end of World War II. It’s the story of Juliette, an author and journalist who has to write an article about a literary circle on the island of Guernsey. It’s an English island which is occupied by the Germans, and this literary circle was a way for the inhabitants to be able to get together even after curfew. It’s written in the form of correspondence, so the story is told to us through letters that the characters write to each other. […] Once again, it is a book that praises simplicity, human relationships that are true and authentic. I also liked that it was a novel about the importance of reading. »

The literary circle of potato peeling lovers

The literary circle of potato peeling lovers


410 pages


He’s one of my favorite authors, I’ve read everything by him and I particularly liked High demolition And Wildlife Handbook. I recently went to see Duceppe’s adaptation of the novel Royal and I loved it, it made me want to reread it. It takes place at law school, a world that I was completely unfamiliar with. It’s about the obsession with performance – if you’re not the best, you’re nothing -, then all the emptiness behind that, human relationships which are not that human… It’s about is very well written, it makes you think a lot, it’s cynical, funny and extremely touching. I find that Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard’s writing is truly unique. It’s a punchy book. »



Your mother

288 pages

source site-53