an inmate tried for attacking three prison guards

He attacked them when they came to bring him his meal.


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Illustration of a prison cell door.  (NICOLAS GUYONNET / HANS LUCAS via AFP)

An inmate attacked three prison guards on Wednesday June 5 in his cell at the Central House of Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône), franceinfo learned on Friday June 7 from the Tarascon prosecutor. The most seriously injured agent receives two days of ITT. The detainee was to be tried on Friday in immediate appearance at the Tarascon criminal court, but he was granted time to prepare his defense, reports France Bleu Provence. He will finally be judged next Wednesday. In the meantime, the man remains in pre-trial detention at Pontet prison, in Vaucluse.

On Wednesday, when four guards came to give him his meal in his cell, the inmate first spat in the officers’ faces “a whitish liquid (presumably made from toothpaste)”, indicates the Tarascon prosecutor. The supervisors are then “entering the cell in a column, the inmate charged and struck the main victim with a pen”. This supervisor has around ten marks on his neck and nape, scratches on his face, marks on his back and on his nose, indicates the magistrate.

The other guards managed to take the pen from the hands of the inmate who tried to bite the most seriously injured agent before “poke his finger hard in his eye”. The supervisors had to do “use of a defensive aerosol can” in “inmate direction”. The latter was still struggling, before finally being handcuffed “with difficulty”. The prosecutor indicates that“in the end three supervisors are victims”.

The Tarascon public prosecutor’s office charged the detainee “three acts of violence against a person holding public authority: one act with ITT less than or equal to eight days and two acts without ITT as well as acts of contempt against persons holding public authority”.

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