“I try to enjoy every second of my dream”

Every day, a personality invites itself into the world of Élodie Suigo. Friday June 7, 2024: author, composer and performer Pierre Garnier. Today he releases his first album, “Every second”.


Reading time: 15 min

Pierre Garnier in concert in Montbéliard, May 30, 2024. (LIONEL VADAM / MAXPPP)

Author, composer and performer, Pierre Garnier is the big winner of the 11th season of the show Star Academy broadcast on TF1. Lulled by music through his parents, both amateur musicians, his first single, Those we were ranked number one in sales upon its release in February in less than 24 hours. Today he releases his first album, Each second.

franceinfo: Each secondwe have the impression that it is a mantra, does it mean that we must enjoy every moment?

Pierre Garnier: It’s true. Since the end of the adventure, my life has been going a bit at 100 miles per hour. Between the preparation of the album, the promotion, the concerts, the Star Ac tour, I think it’s important to try to enjoy every second of my dream, that I’m trying to live.

The first single from this album, we discovered it at a very specific moment with Dadju. You were asked to sing your own song at Star Academy. It shows that you still have character, even if your naturalness had a lot of impact on the public.

It’s an incredible gift all the same, because on a prime like that of the Star Ac, everything is planned, everything is precise and there is no room for surprise. It was a wonderful gift and what’s more, I sang that song at the castle once, like that. But since we don’t know anything that’s happening outside, I thought it was just my song that no one knew. And I said to myself: “What is he doing? Why is he blackmailing me?” And frankly, when I saw the other artists coming to sing with us, and the audience singing along, I was a little shocked. And there, I asked myself questions about after Star Ac, I wanted to know what it was like outside.

When did you start writing, then? When you listen to this album, what strikes you is the writing, the need to tell your own stories and stick to what you feel.

The first time I wrote was the song Not a tear, which is on the album. It’s one of the songs I wrote a long time ago, on my own, after a breakup, because that’s how you ultimately begin. And that’s when I realized that I really liked writing. Since I can’t really say it speaking, it’s cool to write it down in song and that’s how I started.

There is a duality between the person you are and the feelings that are evoked in this album. We understand that words allow you to express what you feel. Is it difficult for you to experience these feelings?

I am someone, basically, who has difficulty expressing my feelings, especially orally, and often, I do it in song because for me, it is simpler. It’s a form of outlet. I bring out everything that’s inside me, all the feelings that I don’t dare to say and it feels good.

It seems like you are consumed by a fear of bonding with someone. Does it make you dizzy to be in love?

“I am often afraid of attachment and especially of getting tired, of hurting myself or of hurting myself.”

Pierre Garnier

at franceinfo

It’s true that I’m young, but it’s something that scares me quite a bit and for the moment, I’m very happy to have so much work so I don’t have to worry about that.

Your solo tour was announced very quickly and tickets were sold out within two hours. Some fans are not happy because they didn’t get tickets, and some are angry with you for taking small venues when the phenomenon you are generating could fill big venues.

I’m very happy, but there is the Olympia, all the same. And it’s a legendary room that I really wanted to do. I think it’s also important to have small venues because we’re closer to the public. The Zéniths are very beautiful, but there is less of a connection with the public. I found it important to start like that, to get into the swing of things. In any case, I am very happy and I thank everyone for filling these rooms. And if you want more, we’ll give you more.

How do we experience this schedule, this notoriety, this celebrity and this love of the public?

Well, that’s cool! I wouldn’t do it for anything else. This is for music and it’s something I’ve always loved. OK, it’s intense, but it’s a joy to share music with people and sing every day. These are experiences I never thought I would ever have. Of course, it’s not a job like any other, but in any case, I love it and that’s just fine.

Watch this interview on video:

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