an application to revise your music lessons


Video length: 4 min

Brevet, BAC: an application to revise your music lessons
What if music helped revise your lessons? As the secondary school certificate and the baccalaureate approach, Johanes Adedemi created Wim: work in music, an application which allows students to learn to rap, reggae or pop rhythms.
(France 2)

What if music helped revise your lessons? As the secondary school certificate and the baccalaureate approach, Johanes Adedemi created Wim: work in music, an application which allows students to learn to rap, reggae or pop rhythms.

Last straight line before the BAC or the college certificate. Everyone has their own method for revising, and on the networks, even teachers are doing it. Maths lessons, English lessons… what if music could help you learn? Does revising on rap, reggae or pop rhythms really work? “I listen to music and I try to place the formulas on the rhythm of the music and since I know them by heart, it makes it easier to bring them out under control”explains a young girl.

In a studio in Montpellier (Hérault), an unusual recording: a history lesson set to music with a catchy rhythm. A special exercise for Marine Médina, professional singer: “You shouldn’t overdo it with your voice”she said, and “articulate well”, in order to remain understandable. Johanes Adedemi corrects the records. He launched Wim: “work in music”, an application with around a hundred courses for high school students. A network of teachers provides him with thematic sheets, transformed into songs.

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