Every day, those in the know debate the news around Salhia Brakhlia and Renaud Dély.
Reading time: 23 min

The themes :
For the 80 years of the Normandy landings, spectacular celebrations are planned for this Thursday in the presence of 25 foreign heads of state and government, including Joe Biden, Olaf Scholz, King Charles III and Volodymir Zelensky, but not Vladimir Putin. The commemorations began this Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron paid tribute to the Breton resistance fighters and paratroopers during a ceremony in Plumelec. The president will also be the guest of the 8 p.m. news on TF1 and France 2 this Thursday evening, which made the opposition scream. So is the head of state doing too much?
In France as in Europe, the environmental issue seems having disappeared from the European countryside behind questions of purchasing power, immigration or security, without forgetting the impact of the war in Ukraine. So why has the climate crisis seemed to fade from voters’ concerns? Why this backlash when in 2019, environmentalists had made significant progress in France and Europe?
The informed:
Victoria Koussa, journalist in the political department of franceinfo
Sylvain Courage, deputy editorial director of New Obs
Find all the news from the morning of Thursday June 6, 2024: