He will not only be a candidate for the far-right Reform UK party, but will also take the leadership of this party which has gone from 5% to more than 12% of voting intentions in one year.
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“I will be a candidate.” Brexit champion Nigel Farage announced on Monday June 3 that he would take part in the British legislative elections on July 4, under the banner of the far-right Reform UK party. However, he had stated the opposite barely ten days ago. During a press conference, Nigel Farage finally explained that he “change of opinion”.
In addition to his candidacy for Reform UK in the constituency of Clacton (south-east of England), he is also taking the leadership of this anti-immigration and anti-climate policy party. The formation went from 5% to more than 12% of voting intentions in one year.
“There is a rejection of the political class in the country, to an extent never seen in modern times”estimated Nigel Farage, 60, who has already tried unsuccessfully seven times to be elected MP. “I cannot let these millions of people down”he added.
Nigel Farage rose to prominence in 2016 during the referendum on leaving the United Kingdom from the European Union, for which he campaigned fiercely. This former MEP is currently a presenter on the conservative television channel GB News, a platform which gives him a certain popularity with the conservative electorate.
If Labor largely dominates voting intentions one month before the election, Nigel Farage has assured that he wants to attract “millions of voters” to ensure Labor wins with a lead “much smaller” than the polls predict.