91 people “will be recognized as dead for France”, indicates the Elysée

91 people “will be recognized as dead for France” during the ceremony of the 83rd anniversary of the call of June 18, 1940. The commemorations will take place Sunday morning at Mont-Valérien, near Paris, and will be chaired by Emmanuel Macron.

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Mont Valérien (illustration), June 18, 2020. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

91 people “will be recognized as dead for France” on the occasion of the commemorative ceremony of the 83rd anniversary of the appeal of June 18, 1940, Sunday morning at Mont-Valérien, near Paris, said the Elysée on Thursday. This ceremony will be chaired by Emmanuel Macron.

Resistance fighters and foreign hostages

“What often brings them together is having been resistance fighters or foreign hostages”specifies the presidency. “A lot of them have just been neglected, forgotten because no one has applied for them”she adds, including the“administration”. This recognition aims to repair “an injustice by omission, an oversight”says the same source.

>> History: the voice of General de Gaulle reconstituted in the appeal of June 18

In February, the Élysée had announced the launch of work under the authority of Patricia Mirallès, Secretary of State in charge of Veterans Affairs and Memory. The goal : “turn on the light” on the “exemplary destinies” of “several dozen shot from Mont-Valérien who have not yet been declared ‘dead for France'”all for “give them the recognition that the Republic owes them”.

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