9,000 households deprived of electricity in Brittany due to strong gusts of wind

The strongest gust was measured in Brignogan, in Finistère, at 148 km / h. The four Breton departments are placed in vigilance yellow violent wind and thunderstorms by Météo France, until Sunday afternoon.

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Strong gales of wind have deprived 9,000 households of electricity in Brittany since 7 pm this Saturday, January 8, according to figures from Enedis. More precisely, 5,000 households are affected in Morbihan, 2,000 in Ille-et-Vilaine, 1,500 in Côtes-d’Armor and 500 in Finistère, indicates France Bleu Armorique. Up to 15,000 homes were deprived of electricity at 5 p.m. The gusts of wind will continue in the evening.

In Finistère, firefighters intervened 102 times during the day. Quatre people were seriously injured in the Breton department, including a 6-year-old child in a road accident near Morlaix, which required the intervention of the Brest SAMU helicopter.

Rescue in Ille-et-Vilaine, for their part, there are 48 interventions, and there are about fifteen in the Côtes-d’Armor. In Rennes, several cars were destroyed by trees. Scaffolding and terraces were blown away, without causing any injuries. In Vannes, the parks, gardens and playgrounds located under the cover of trees are closed until the morning of January 9.

The four Breton departments are placed on yellow vigilance with violent wind and thunderstorms by Météo France until Sunday, January 9, at 4 p.m. The strongest gust was measured in Brignogan, in Finistère, at 148 km / h. In Morbihan, gusts reached up to 109 km / h at Pontivy and a peak of 108 km / h was observed at Lorient.

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