Dominique Schelcher believes that some prices will fall on supermarket shelves, but not all.
Reading time: 1 min

“I’m going to reveal to you a figure that I hadn’t given until now : 90% of the companies we are currently talking to have still come with a request for a price increase for the year 2024. It’s considerable”, confides Dominique Schelchergeneral director of Système U, guest of France Bleu Loire Océan Thursday January 11.
Dominique Schelcher went to Boupère (Vendée) on Wednesday where he signed a 5-year contract with the Biolait group which brings together 1,200 organic milk producers in France (including 26 in Vendée and 75 in Loire-atlantique). Organic milk producers are guaranteed to sell their goods to U until 2029.
“Our job is to seek purchasing power for the French”
While negotiations with manufacturers and industrialists must conclude at the end of the month and Bercy is pushing for a reduction in shelf prices, the boss of U stores believes that some prices will fall on supermarket shelves, but not all. . The boss of Système U still tempers: “That said, there are a certain number of markets, of raw materials which are falling, significantly and there we are going to look for a certain number of falling prices: oil, wheat, but also products like diapers because it’s rather positive on paper, we have interesting announcements coming for reductions on sugar”, he lists. According to him, there will therefore be “products in decline, but there will also still be a certain number of increases because there are markets that are also on the rise, but our job is to seek purchasing power for the French “.